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The Art of Neighboring

1-Know Your Neighbor

Tom Johnson


Mark 12:30-31.

Today we kicked off a 4-week series on The Art of Neighboring by looking at Mark 12:30-31.

2-Pray for Your Neighbor

Jenn Tjepkes


Mark 12:30-31

It's the second week of The Art of Neighboring and we're taking a look at what Mark 12:30-31has to say about loving and seeing our neighbors.

3-Tasting God's Kingdom at Your Table

Dave Brickey


Luke 19:1-10

Luke 19:1-10 shares a familiar story but what does this story have to do with loving and being a good neighbor?

4-Prayer and Praise

Dave Brickey, Tom Johnson, and Rose Larson


Church of the Open Door | 9060 Zanzibar Lane North | Maple Grove, MN 55311 | 763.416.5846 |

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